Combined Adult & Child/Adolescent Psychoanalysis Training

Some clinicians are interested in achieving proficiency in both child/adolescent and adult psychoanalysis. We offer a “combined” program in adult and child analysis for these clinicians. Other clinicians are seeking proficiency in only child/adolescent psychoanalysis. We offer a child-focused program for these students. Prior training in child or family-centered mental health is strongly recommended but not required for both the combined and focused programs.

Combined candidates (students training to be psychoanalysts) will take all the courses required for adult psychoanalytic candidates as well as additional courses relevant to child/adolescent psychoanalysis. Focused candidates will take most but not all the courses required for adult psychoanalytic candidates, and the additional courses relevant to child/adolescent psychoanalysis.

In addition to the coursework on growth and development included in the adult curriculum, the child analytic curriculum includes courses covering the psychopathology of children and adolescents, the theory and technique of child and adolescent analysis, infant observation, and the use of the diagnostic profile. Child analytic courses may be taken concurrently with adult courses. Continuous case conferences on child and adolescent analysis also are part of the curriculum.

Training Components

Classroom Study Requirements

Combined candidates have a minimum case requirement of two supervised adult cases (one of each gender) and three supervised child cases (with both genders represented) to complete training. Focused candidates have a minimum case requirement of three supervised child cases (with both genders represented) to complete training. Both combined and focused candidates should have analytic experience with an adolescent, latency child, and if at all possible, pre-latency child. A minimum of 150 hours of supervision of child cases is required for both combined and focused candidates. At least one child or adolescent case should be supervised through the termination phase. (See Training & Supervising Analysts)

Candidates in the adult training program may attend child analytic classes and seminars and may analyze a child or adolescent under supervision. These candidates must be enrolled in the child program if their child and adolescent cases are to be considered part of their training as child analysts.