PCC Faculty Member Heather Craige to Receive Prestigious Edith Sabshin Teaching Award

We are thrilled to announce that the American Psychoanalytic Association will honor our very own Heather Craige with the esteemed Edith Sabshin Teaching Award. This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication as educators, enriching the training and development of diverse mental health professionals.

Dhipthi Brundage, PCC Training and Education Director, shared, “Heather wholly embodies the values honored in this award.  She is a dynamic contributor to the PCC and local community.  She has a natural talent for inspiring those around her whether it be students of the PCC, teachers at local schools, parents, or lawyers. She is an ambassador to clinicians who are not already candidates.  She invites them to partake in PCC offerings, mentors them as they navigate their careers, and supports them as they develop clinically.  Students enjoy her phenomenal teaching but more importantly, they are inspired by her.  Heather is a part of our foundation and has made a lasting impact on how each of us in the PCC carry psychoanalysis into the world.

Heather’s commitment to psychoanalytic education and her ability to inspire and empower students make her truly deserving of this recognition. Please join us celebrating Heather’s remarkable achievement and her contributions to the field!