Scientific Program featuring Charles E. Parks, PhD
Therapeutic Action and Progress in Analysis: A Child Struggles With Death, Life, and Change
Presented by Charles E. Parks, PhD
Registration Fee: $50*
*Free admission and CE/CME credits for PCC members, LDC staff and board, full-time students with ID, and trainees in the Departments of Social Work, Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental Health Counseling.
A young boy, faced with the loss of multiple caretakers, worked to acknowledge and understand overwhelming feelings so that he could resume his emotional development. Initially his concerns were expressed through disturbances in bodily functions (encopresis) and disavowal. Analytic progress allowed a series of psychic transformations which increased his capacity to elaborate these concerns in fantasy and in play. Examination of these transformations is used to discuss core questions in child analysis including the nature of therapeutic action in work with children, the meaning and role of insight in this work, and the multiple ways a child uses the relationship with the analyst to progress in the treatment. The relevance of these findings to analytic work with adults is also discussed.
The Rosenblitt Lecture was established by the Lucy Daniels Center in 2019 in honor of Donald Rosenblitt, MD, to spotlight topics relevant to child and adolescent psychoanalytic treatment through an annual lecture presented by a child psychoanalyst.
About the Speaker
Charles E. Parks, PhD, is a Child and Adolescent Supervising Analyst, Adult Training and Supervising Analyst, and Institute Director at the Washington Baltimore Institute for Psychoanalysis. He is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the Georgetown University Medical Center. He is also on the faculty of several other Institutes affiliated with the American Psychoanalytic Association where he supervises and teaches courses on child psychoanalysis and child psychotherapy.