Author: Katharine Jarman

Artificial Intelligence and Actual Psychoanalysis

APsA Co-chairs Amy Levy and Todd Essig of the Council on Artificial Intelligence report that the “CAI Workshop Series” YouTube channel is now live. The July 21st workshop, “Artificial Intelligence and Actual Psychoanalysis,” featuring Amy Levy, Danielle Knafo, and Todd Essig, along with an AI discussant, “AI Ada,” has been posted and can be viewed here: Artificial Intelligence and Actual…

Letter from Jill Dunn, President

Letter from Jill Dunn, President

Dear Members, Regardless how each of us came to study psychoanalysis, our goal is the same: to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological factors that influence human experiences and help individuals navigate their psychological challenges, improve their mental health, and enhance overall well-being. I strongly advocate for psychoanalytic education for clinicians, regardless of the…