921 – Early Anxieties and Unrepresented States

Description: In this course we will study together papers that aim to describe early anxieties and unrepresented states.  How do we make contact with and describe our patients’ experiences that emerged at a time when there were no words? What of experiences that may have never been represented or those aspects of the social context now calling for articulation after decades of operating unconsciously?  We will read a sampling of the analytic literature, primarily from Object Relations Theory, on these types of anxieties and unrepresented states and discuss considerations of technique.

Target Audience: This course is appropriate for clinicians at the intermediate to advanced levels.

Prerequisites:  Students will need a basic exposure to and understanding of psychoanalytic theory and its application to the treatment of patients.  Applicants can meet this requirement through previous coursework, training, or supervision (e.g., PCC’s 101 Fundamentals course; psychoanalytic coursework or supervision in graduate school/residency or post-graduation).  Applicants who do not meet this requirement may register for the course with permission of the instructor.