920 – Queering Psychoanalysis

Description: These 8 seminars are designed to revisit classic psychoanalytic concepts that, when used skillfully, can further the therapeutic action when working psychoanalytically with people who identify as LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ and racialized. We will discuss a contemporary approach to 1. neutrality vs. white neutrality, 2. the psychoanalytic frame, 3. the White Phallus, 4. the Oedipal complex vs. Tiresias, 5. violence in the countertransference, 6. gender enactments management and prevention, 7. Timing: Cronos in psychoanalysis and the question of time and clinical timing, and 8. Gender Polymorphism and evenly hovering attention: Can we listen to another royal road to the Unconscious? What does psychoanalytic listening mean?

Target Audience: This course is intended for intermediate to advanced clinicians, psychoanalytic clinicians, and students of graduate programs interested in mental health and psychoanalytic therapy.

Prerequisites:  Students will need a basic exposure to and understanding of psychoanalytic theory and its application to the treatment of patients.  Applicants can meet this requirement through previous coursework, training, or supervision (e.g., PCC’s 101 Fundamentals course; psychoanalytic coursework or supervision in graduate school/residency or post-graduation).  Applicants who do not meet this requirement may register for the course with permission of the instructor.
This course will be limited to 24 students.