411 – Child Integrated Seminar

Description: This is an on-going Child Seminar that integrates theory and techniques in the treatment of children from birth through late adolescence. Child-Focused and Adult/Child psychoanalytic track students will be expected to participate in this seminar for approximately 33 hours per academic year for a total of 5 years beginning at the time of matriculation into one of these programs and are invited to continue after graduation. The goal is to develop an ongoing intellectual inquiry, an orientation that recognizes that the work is very complex, and that ongoing study and collegial support is an integral part of the profession. The seminar will integrate on-going case studies and readings. The literature experiences will allow for exposure to the core literature relevant to these tracks. 

Target Audience:  This class is for intermediate to advanced students.   

Prerequisite: This class is for advanced students. Matriculated in the Child-Focused or combined Adult/Child Psychoanalytic Track and 33 credit hours of the Core Curriculum or permission of the instructors. Matriculated students with experience seeing children who intend to become child-focused, or adult/child analytic candidates may take this seminar with permission. The seminars will be open to non-child analytic candidates on the basis of their readiness to participate at this level with the material.