306– Developmental Crises – 3: Adolescence
Description: There are developmental challenges to be mastered throughout the life cycle. This course, the third in a series of four, will focus adolescence, on the period that, roughly speaking, falls between 12 and 20 years of age. We will utilize a psychoanalytic perspective to explore the intrapsychic and interpersonal developmental tasks common to this period and the issues that result from failure to master them.
We will consider differing theoretical perspectives using readings from classic and more recent articles. Relevant clinical material will be presented, and there will be ample opportunity for discussion.
This course is appropriate for intermediate through advanced students, as well as clinicians with extensive experience who have permission of the instructor.
Target Audience: This course is appropriate for intermediate through advanced students, as well as clinicians with extensive experience who are considering child or adult analytic training and have the permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: This class is open to matriculated Psychoanalytic Adult or Adult/Child students who have completed all, or nearly all, of the Core Curriculum which must include having completed Psychological Development Across the Life Cycle 1 and 2. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy students and graduates who have completed the core curriculum and have at least one intensive case may also take these classes. Other students may be eligible to attend only with permission of the instructor.