201 – Psychodynamic Assessment and Formulation
Description: Psychodynamic assessment has two meanings. It refers to a mode of conducting an assessment. It also refers to a determination of the degree to which a form of treatment (psychodynamic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis) and a particular patient match. This course will explore both of these topics. The assessment of the match between psychodynamic/psychoanalytic treatment and a particular patient also has multiple components which can be framed as questions that will be addressed in the class. We will consider the “traditional” qualities that have been used to assess for suitability for psychodynamic and psychoanalytic treatment. A component of understanding these issues will review the literature concerning the validity of traditional assessment for suitability. We will explore the various models for conducting an assessment and explore contemporary reconsideration of these traditional ideas based upon the multiplicity of psychoanalytic models of treatment and therapeutic actions.
Target Audience: This course is intended for clinicians at the beginning to intermediate levels.
Prerequisite: Students will need a basic exposure to and understanding of psychoanalytic theory and its application to the treatment of patients. Applicants can meet this requirement through previous coursework, training, or supervision (e.g., Thinking Psychoanalytically: The Basics; the PPSC Introductory Course; psychoanalytic coursework or supervision in graduate school/residency or post-graduation). Applicants who do not meet this requirement can register for the course with permission of the instructors.